Friday, December 22, 2023

Why Are Vitamins In Natural Form More Effective Than In Pill Form?

Are “vitamins in pill form” as effective as in a natural food? Are the colorful and promising tablets even better? Or are they potentially harming your body even though you pay money for them? Vitamin Winter Mantel would like to clarify all of these questions in the following article. Take some time to explore this controversial topic to make your own health decisions.

Vitamins And Their Importance

Vitamins are non-calorie substances that are necessary for some functions in the body. Some are essential and cannot be produced by the body itself and stored for a long time. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Become Slimmer In Small Steps: Tips For Losing Weight And Enjoying Life More

The pounds don't come on overnight, they accumulate day after day and add up to an unhealthy excess weight over the course of weeks, months and years. When the kilos slowly pile up to an insurmountable mountain, many people give up and fail to lose weight. The mountain is simply too big.

The knowledge that it is not noticeable if one, two or even five kilos disappear, especially if you are very overweight, has a demotivating effect. How do you start losing weight even if you are very overweight and stay on track in the long term?

Monday, December 18, 2023

Nutrition By Season : Autumn Is So Nutritious

Every year the days become shorter and cooler in autumn. The change is always a challenge for the body. How do you best support the organism? For example, with a seasonal diet that can prepare the body for the cold season in autumn.

From pumpkins to rose hips, there are plenty of fall superfoods and local vitamin bombs. Why is seasonal nutrition so important for well-being and what should you pay attention to in autumn?

Vitamin C – The All-rounder For Metabolism

Ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C, is considered one of the most important vitamins for strengthening the immune system. But it is also involved in numerous metabolic processes, some of which are vital. Since our body cannot produce this vitamin itself, it must be obtained through food or in the form of supplements.

What Does Vitamin C Do In The Body ?

Vitamin C stimulates the immune system : The body's own defense cells (leukocytes and T cells) are supported by vitamin C. If this support is missing, our immune system is weakened, viruses and bacteria cannot be fought off and we develop symptoms of illness.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Yarrow As A Medicinal Plant(Herb): Already In Ancient Times It Was Used As A Remedy For Various Ailments

No matter whether you suffer from menstrual or digestive problems, your skin is inflamed or you have a permanent lack of appetite: Yarrow is a medicinal plant that can provide you with good relief from all of the ailments and complaints listed.

The plant thrives excellently in the meadows and pastures of most countries around the world. Almost exclusively their herb, which consists of their shoot tips, flowers and stems, is used to produce natural remedies and products.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Just In Time For Cold Season – News From Research On Zinc For Colds

Summer is definitely over. Now we can expect mostly wet, cold weather and the flu season is just around the corner. Respiratory infections are on the rise under these conditions and are causing pharmacies and doctor's offices to be full.

Even if such acute viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, as colds are correctly referred to medically, are not nearly as dangerous as the real flu caused by influenza viruses, they are still annoying and can really take a toll on those affected. And, this should not be forgotten either, they are contagious and can hit people with previous illnesses particularly hard.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Right Vitamins Are So Important For Us And Our Well-being

Our daily bread” is not enough to have eaten healthily and, above all, to have provided the body with the right building blocks to be fit and vital. Rich in energy and yet very balanced and varied – this is what our daily food should ideally look like.

But for many reasons, our daily food often looks completely different. When we're under deadline pressure, we often eat whatever comes our way. As the name suggests, it's all about dishes that are not only quick to prepare, but can also be eaten quickly. These are usually not healthy foods and meals.

The Asthma Diet: What To Eat And What To Avoid?

If you or people in your family have asthma, you may be wondering how diet affects the progression of the disease. Although asthma diet cannot prevent asthma attacks, fresh and nutritious foods improve general health - and therefore asthma symptoms.

Here you will find a brief overview of foods and ingredients that asthmatics generally tolerate well and those that often trigger allergies or weaken their health. In addition to these general recommendations, it would of course be ideal to examine exactly which substances you are allergic to and pay attention to what is good for you.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The 10 Best Foods For That Helps In Hormonal Balance

If the mood fluctuates, it is often blamed on hormones... What is sometimes laughed at a little, but actually plays a huge role. And best of all, everyone can influence their hormones through their diet.

What Do Hormones Do To Us?

The heart pumps blood through the body, the tongue helps us taste, the legs enable us to walk - very concrete body knowledge that each of us probably has.But what hardly anyone knows anymore are hormones.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Food for the Soul: How Food Affects Our Mood

Have you ever wondered why you feel so much better after a piece of chocolate? Or why certain meals leave you relaxed and satisfied? It's no coincidence - what you eat actually has a direct impact on your mood.

This article offers you a comprehensive insight into how you can positively influence your mood through conscious nutrition. It's informative yet practical to help you understand and leverage the connection between food and mood.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Why The Body Needs All Three Macronutrients

Our body needs three macronutrients. These are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Only when there are enough of these can the organism function properly.


The body needs a total of 21 amino acids to make proteins. Each of them has different tasks. It's good to know that the body can produce many of these itself, provided the right building blocks are present. You can use a blood test to determine whether these are present in sufficient quantities. If this is not the case, a protein-rich diet or taking MAP amino acids can help.

Aloe Vera Gel: Its effects and application

Find out what effect aloe vera gel has and where it can be used. We also clarify how you can recognize the good quality of a product containing aloe vera.The Aloe Barbadensis Miller has been known and valued as an effective medicinal plant for over 6,000 years.

Because it belongs to the succulent family, it can store significant amounts of moisture and nutrients in the form of aloe vera gel in its leaves. The gel, as well as the aloe vera juice obtained from it, are used for skin irritations, sunburn, pimples and other skin problems.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Wild Herbs, The Natural Pharmacy

When the days get longer again, the sun shines more often and you can already smell and see spring, the time has come for the first wild herbs.Not only wild garlic, but also daisies can already be found and with every new sunny day there are more plants waking up from hibernation.

Now is the best time to take a closer look at their positive qualities. In the following article you will find out which wild herbs are edible and what benefits they have for our health.

Liver Health: The Key To A Healthy Life

The liver is one of the most vital organs in the human body, responsible for detoxification, digestion, and metabolism. It plays a crucial r...