Monday, January 8, 2024

Keto Diet: Lose Body Fat Quickly And Effectively With Health Benefits

Nowadays, many people find it difficult to eat properly because new diet trends appear almost every day. The next problem is the high sugar content in many products, and people are tempted everywhere, like in the supermarket, to buy the wrong thing. And then the bad conscience comes back and plagues you.

A few kilos quickly accumulate on your hips. It's quick when you gain weight, but getting rid of the excess fat and water is even more difficult.First and foremost, it's good to live in a calorie deficit, but that's where the calorie deficit starts to be too high and that is sabotaged by small snacks or a quick drink of soda.

These foods have a high calorie density and are not really filling. If the calorie deficit is too high, you end up with a yo-yo effect and motivation drops.

What Is The Optimized Keto Diet?

First of all, this is not a diet, but a change in your diet. The word diet comes from the Greek word díaita and means consciously eating.The aim of this dietary change is to limit carbohydrates to a maximum of 50g per day and to get the daily energy required from high-fat foods and excess body fat.When at least 5 days have been reached, you can move on to the loading day (cheat day) and recharge for 1-2 days with carbohydrates or eat whatever you feel like.

The goal is to get into ketosis by reducing the amount of carbohydrates so that the body changes its metabolism and the body uses fats as its primary energy source. The advantage is that your own body fat is now used as an energy source and thus continuously burns excess fat.

There are many other positive effects, which I will explain shortly. In addition, this form of nutrition has been optimized and is now combined with intermittent fasting.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

As the name suggests, this is simple fasting over a period of at least 12 hours to a maximum of 48 hours, although you can vary how long and how many days you fast. It just can't be less than 12 hours.

Longer than 48 hours is also not recommended, because from this point on the body begins to transport energy from the muscles, as this is the easiest way for the organism and the body then becomes catabolic. Catabolic means the breakdown of the body's own substances (muscles) or food.

The Ketosis

Eating causes insulin levels to rise, and carbohydrates require more insulin than proteins and fats. This works the other way around with a “high carb meal”. Due to the high amount of carbohydrates, there is a sharp increase in insulin levels and glucagon decreases. Carbohydrates lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, as well as a sharp fall.

However, the body only tolerates a blood sugar level within narrow limits and anything above that level is removed from the blood. That's why a lot of insulin is now needed to transport away excess glucose and store it. This happens in the form of glycogen,  either in the liver or in the muscles. Excess glycogen is stored in fat cells.

A high protein meal results in a low insulin output, but an increased increase in glucagon, which leads to fatty acids being released from the fat cells. Blood sugar no longer fluctuates as much. Some of these fatty acids are used directly to generate energy and another part is broken down to produce ketones which largely replace blood sugar as an energy source.


The longer and lower the blood sugar level falls, the more ketone bodies are used to generate energy. In the carbohydrate organism, this is not used optimally and the condition is perceived as unpleasant and debilitating.

The ketogenic diet is a profound change in energy metabolism. After a short time, the change is no longer perceived as unpleasant and the drop in blood sugar no longer triggers hunger or circulatory problems.Some organs continue to rely on glucose, such as parts of the brain, red blood cells and the kidney medulla.

Through gluconeogenesis, glucose is produced in the body as an energy source. So-called non-carbohydrates are used to produce new blood sugar. These are called “glucogenic amino acids”. Alanine, aspartate, glutamine, glutamic acid are primarily used for this, but almost all other amino acids can also be used.

Lactate, which occurs in the working metabolism of the muscles and in the metabolism of red blood cells, is also used for this purpose. And finally glycerin, which is released from fatty tissue through the breakdown of triacylglycerol.

What Effect Does This Have On Hormones?

Growth hormone:

This increases sharply and is released more often. This leads to increased protein buildup and increased fat loss.


Fat metabolism is improved.


Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) falls without affecting anabolic levels. A lower level allows better regeneration of tissue and increases autophagy. Through autophagy, old, damaged or even unnecessary proteins, fats and cell organelles are broken down and broken down into individual parts. These will then be reused.

Adrenaline, norepinephrine:

These initially increase, but later decrease slightly. Nevertheless, the level of these two wakefulness hormones, which also support fat loss, remains slightly elevated in the long term.


Ketosis has no influence on this, the level remains within the normal range.


This appetite-stimulating hormone drops. In the keto-adapted organism, hunger is no longer felt as painful as with a diet rich in carbohydrates.


First the mirror falls off. In deep ketosis there are low values ​​with short-term significant increases during training and competition, as well as during refeeding. Nevertheless, there are no losses in performance or disruptions in muscle building. The greatly increased growth hormone HGH (Human Growth Hormone) with its anabolic effect compensates for the drop in testosterone. It would also be possible to have increased sensitivity of the receptors and thus a better testosterone effect, as with the thyroid hormone.

Thyroid hormones:

These decrease without causing hypofunction, but the metabolic rate does not decrease on the keto diet. Significant fat burning occurs even without high levels of active thyroid hormones.

Performance Enhancing Aspects

Energy substrates:

The glucose level is at a low level due to the low carbohydrate intake and reduced gluconeogenesis, but sufficient for all glucose-processing organs. The free fatty acids and ketones replace glucose. The greatly increased fat burning quickly leads to a very low body fat percentage.

Protein metabolism:

Is optimized, only a few grams of amino acids are used per day for energy production. Proteins are saved. There is a reduced catabolism due to ketosis, BCAAs are also spared, which means an increased metabolic rate is possible.

Energy metabolism in the muscle:

The free fatty acids and ketones replace glucose; ketones provide more ATP per molecule than glucose. Adenosine triphosphate, abbreviated ATP, is the main energy store of cells.

Endurance performance:

Increases as the respiratory quotient falls by up to 25%, performance-reducing CO2 and lactate also fall. The performance-reducing hunger pang no longer occurs; the body functions smoothly with the ketogenic energy substrates at rest and under stress.

Healing Effects Of Ketosis

Cardiovascular system:

Blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride and insulin levels drop significantly. There is an improvement in the clinical picture of arteriosclerosis.

The survival rate in the event of a heart attack is improved through increased blood vessel growth, reduced death of heart muscle cells and the so-called anti-remodeling effect.

Anti-inflammatory effects:

The ketone beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is formed in large quantities during ketosis, inhibits the anti-inflammatory metabolic pathway NLRP3, the pro-inflammatory enzyme HDAC and leads to an increased production of the powerful antioxidants glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid.

In ketosis, the inflammatory messenger tumor necrosis factor alpha also decreases, as does C-reactive protein, another important inflammatory marker.


This results in a greatly improved insulin sensitivity and a significant improvement in the clinical picture of metabolic syndrome. With consistent application of a keto diet, type II diabetes can be cured in many cases, while type I results in a reduced need for insulin.


Reducing the glycemic load compared to a “normal” Western diet lowered the level of androgens and free IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1, see below) – and significantly improved acne (while avoiding carbohydrates and dairy products).[ 1]

Brain and nervous system:

In ketosis, so-called neurotrophins are increasingly produced, which stimulate the repair and formation of new nerve cells. At the same time, there is an increased synthesis of neurotransmitters. Growth and networking of axons are stimulated. The production of Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) increases significantly, resulting in increased neuroplasticity.

This results in improvements in the treatment of senile dementia and other degenerative brain diseases. The ketogenic diet can greatly improve the quality of life of those affected.

In some cases, ketosis also leads to significant improvements in epilepsy. In general, at least half of all patients treated with the ketogenic diet experience a 50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency.[2]

Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) often lead to problems with sugar metabolism! This process in turn damages nerve cells (glial cells in particular are affected). The consequence of this is that harmful metabolic products are created that are dangerous for the nerve cells and can damage them. This is improved by low blood sugar and insulin levels. Both are achieved with ketosis.

Inhibition of the Signaling pathway:

Inhibiting this degenerative metabolic pathway has positive effects on diabetes and cancer, as well as on the degeneration of nerve cells and other metabolic disorders.

Increased autophagy:

By rebuilding damaged cell structures, all tissues in the body function better and resistance is strengthened.

Anti-cancer effect:

The ketone beta-hydroxbutyrate directly inhibits the growth of cancer cells. A further slowdown in tumor growth occurs because the cancer cells are deprived of the energy substrate glucose.

The lowering of insulin and the inhibition of mTOR and IGF-1 further inhibit the growth of degenerated cells. Cancer cells are also combated by inhibiting inflammatory metabolic pathways, increasing the introduction of vitamin C into immune cells and increasing autophagy.Chemotherapy not only works significantly more effectively in ketosis, but also has far fewer side effects.


How Many Carbohydrates?

The amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 50 g per day, otherwise ketosis will be interrupted. Except on loading days.

How Much Fat Should I Consume Per Day?

For a woman who does sports (beginner) and weighs 50 kg, that would be around 65% fat out of the total calories per day. If you weigh 110 kg, it would be 71% fat from your total daily calories. For experienced female athletes, at 50 kg this would be around 70% fat and at 110 kg it would be 76% fat of the total calories.For male athletes (beginners), this is around 67% fat with a weight of 50 kg and 73% with a weight of 110 kg. For experienced male athletes it would be 71% at 50kg and at 110kg 78% of total calories should come from fat.

For people who don't do any sport, there isn't much need to be adjusted; perhaps a few percent would have to be reduced, but not too much, because the body is supposed to use fat as an energy source in the future.The values ​​can also vary slightly and do not have to be calculated exactly as percentages because the body does not burn the same number of calories every day. That's why you should roughly calculate the daily amount of calories consumed by certain activities such as work, sport or daily exercise.

The sources of fat should not only consist of saturated fats, such as meat or sausage, but the majority should consist of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as nuts, olives, fatty fish, high-quality oils.

How Much Protein Per Day ?

The body now works much more efficiently, which is why it no longer needs as much protein, and nutritional supplements such as BCAA are no longer necessary. A male strength athlete needs a minimum of 1.13 g and a maximum of 1.88 g per kg of body weight. In endurance sports, a minimum of 1.23 g to a maximum of 1.99 g is required per kg of body weight

For a female strength athlete, a minimum of 1.05 g to a maximum of 1.76 g per kg of body weight is expected. A woman who does endurance sports needs at least 1.23 g to 1.89 g per kg of body weight.For non-athletes, a minimum of 0.6 g to a maximum of 0.8 g per kg of body weight per day applies.

The amount of protein is not too high and is reached quickly. However, you shouldn't consume too many dairy products as they cause insulin levels to rise sharply and this is bad for ketosis.

The Refeeds

If at least 5 days have been achieved with the low-carbohydrate diet, you can choose 1-2 days to recharge yourself with carbohydrates. The days can be freely chosen, the weekend would be recommended. Depending on how the body metabolizes the carbohydrates, 1-2 days are possible, but you have to approach it carefully so as not to experience any setbacks.

During this period, the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 150 g per day and should consist of high-quality carbohydrate sources. If you do go overboard, it's not so bad because everything can be varied.

Important Foods For The Ketogenic Diet

Since almost all animal foods make the body acidic and this can lead to serious illnesses in old age, the reduced amount of carbohydrates should be replaced with vegetables, salads, berries and low-carbohydrate fruits.

These foods help the body become alkaline again and are rich in vitamins, minerals and valuable antioxidants. At least around 500 g should be consumed daily.


In the end, everyone has to find the optimal diet that suits them.The ketogenic diet is an effective way to quickly lose body fat and build muscle. By consuming a lot of vegetables, salads, nuts, berries and low-carbohydrate fruits, you can keep the acid-base balance in balance.

Nowadays, hyperacidity is a major health problem. Most people simply eat too many animal foods and too many saturated fats. With the ketogenic diet it is possible to counteract and balance, especially because there are many possible variations.

In addition, the optimized ketogenic diet is relatively easy to implement. Without a high calorie deficit, you can still quickly achieve your goal of losing body fat and in the long term without a yo-yo effect.

More diet related article..... 

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