Saturday, January 13, 2024

5 Good Reasons For Oranges

Hardly anyone can escape the fresh, fruity scent when oranges are freshly cut open. It is therefore not surprising that the round fruit has been one of the top three most popular types of fruit in Germany, alongside apples and bananas, for many years.

But it's not just the taste that impresses. Oranges are compact powerhouses when it comes to their other ingredients. Most people are familiar with its qualities as a source of vitamin C, but there are other health-promoting substances in the pulp that can also be used specifically to combat diseases.

Here are the five most important reasons for the orange citrus fruit:

1. Immune Booster

In addition to the high vitamin C content (50 milligrams per 100 grams), oranges contain so-called polyphenols. These are secondary plant substances that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

They capture cell-damaging so-called free radicals. At the same time, they strengthen our defenses and thus help our organism to better keep viruses and bacteria away.

2. Bone Stronger

In addition to the mineral calcium, magnesium is an important building block for the stability of our bones and teeth. The mineral is crucial for density and is often underestimated.Oranges contain 15 milligrams of magnesium per 100 grams.

3. High Blood Pressure Brake 

Oranges contains a lot of potassium. This helps our body, for example, to lower blood pressure or keep it stable.

In addition, the vitamin C contained in oranges can stop the development of atherosclerosis by reducing oxidative stress. Risks of secondary illnesses such as heart attack or stroke are reduced by consuming the fresh fruit.

4. Good Mood Fruit

The color of orange alone puts you in a good mood.As a supplier of vitamin B, they also help our brain produce the happiness hormone serotonin. Feelings such as fear and sadness can be dampened and also allow us to look at the world more calmly and contentedly.

5. Cancer Inhibitors

Current studies suggest that the bitter substances limonoids can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

Basic Knowledge Of Oranges


We have oranges all year round. Depending on the season, they usually come from Spain, South Africa, Zimbabwe or Argentina.

Ingredients Of Oranges

In addition to the high vitamin C content (50 milligrams per 100 grams), oranges contain so-called polyphenols. They also contain 15 milligrams of magnesium per 100 grams. Like most other citrus fruits, they also contain a lot of potassium. As a supplier of vitamin B, they also help our brain produce the happiness hormone serotonin.

Purchasing And Storage

Purchasing: Unfortunately, you often can't look at oranges to see whether they are really juicy and taste good. Therefore, you should pay particular attention to the variety: Navel and Navelina oranges have a good reputation. Fruits offered as juice oranges are particularly suitable for squeezing.

Storage: If you want to store the fruit for a little longer, make sure the peel is undamaged. They are best kept at around 7 degrees Celsius.

More health related article.... 

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